Modelling the effects of open access, gender and collaboration on citation outcomes: Replicating, expanding and drilling

Struck, B., Durning, M., Roberge, G., and Campbell, D. (2018). Modelling the effects of open access, gender and collaboration on citation outcomes: Replicating, expanding and drilling.

23rd International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators (STI2018), Leiden, The Netherlands.

Presented by Brooke Struck (12 September 2018)

Following on from previous research conducted by Science-Metrix—and presented by Dr. Struck at STI2017—this presentation discusses the results of an examination of the influence of open access, international collaboration and the gender composition of research teams on citation outcomes and how they are interconnected with one another. The present work replicates the earlier small-scale study and disentangles the influence of these factors, expands the analysis to a much wider scope, and drills down into subsets of data.

The study again showed that open access (OA) had a positive, significant, meaningful effect on citation scores and had the strongest effect of the three variables. At a more granular level than the previous study, the present study found that the effect was much stronger for green OA than gold OA. International collaboration was also found to have a positive, significant meaningful effect, and a citation penalty was again observed as the share of women in an authorship group increased, though the signal was much less clear on this front and further study is warranted.

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